Technology for Years 7 & 8 - A Student's Workbook
2024 is the latest edition - ISBN: 978-0-9579630-9-2
Resources for the new 2023 syllabus update:
1. Teachers Lesson Presentation Hyperlinked PDF - Resource #6
Bonus: Two free resources with Resource #6 purchases:
- Answers to all formative & summative tasks in the Workbook via an interactive pdf ($50 to purchase separately)
- A sample design folio using my D.E.S.I.G.N.E.D format
View these 2 free resources here
2. A Workbook for the Stage 4 Technology 2023 syllabus update:
Aim & Philosophy
The purpose of this Workbook is to equip teachers and students with practical and theoretical knowledge related to the technologies outlined in the new syllabus' four prescribed Focus Areas. This resource allows teachers to develop design projects that are educational, engaging, and enjoyable for students. This approach aligns with the successful educational systems in countries like Finland, where minimising administrative tasks gives teachers more time to support students and create effective lessons and projects. This philosophy can be compared to the airline practice of putting on your oxygen mask first to be able to help others during an emergency.
How to use this Workbook
Workbook retention: Each student utilises the Workbook for two years. To avoid problems with students forgetting to bring it, the Workbook should be kept at school by the teacher. Bulk orders are offered at a reduced price to support this approach.
Knowledge and practice: Inspired by Confucius' saying, "Knowledge without practice is useless. Practice without knowledge is dangerous," this book provides foundational knowledge on tools, processes, safety, and project design to complement students' practical experiences in the workshop or design areas. Simple practical experiences, taking a few periods of time are provided in the book for 5 workplace areas - metal, food, polymers, wood, textiles, so that students can gain experience in a wide variety of materials and processes before they undertake the development of the design project. An introduction to graphics and design, essential skills for the course, are included in this Workbook.
Introduction to focus areas: Students are initially introduced to the Focus Area and to the negotiated practical design project developed by the teacher. If the design project is, say, predominately metal based, students undertake the metal practical experience provided in this book after receiving instruction on workshop safety procedures and then completing the corresponding safety test provided in the book. These tests should be signed, dated, and either digitally or physically filed by the teacher as proof of completed safety instruction. The safety tests are concise yet thorough, ensuring they are not a burdensome introduction for students to the new Focus Area. Digital and hand written responses are encouraged - the latter for exam writing skills and completing forms throughout life.
Practical and theoretical work: Students complete the relavent practical experience/s in the workshop or design area and the introduction to graphics section, which then equipts them with introductory knowledge and skills to better undertake the design and manufacture of the design project. The theoretical content related to the project is covered by working through the relevant sections in this Workbook, as directed by the teacher, when in a classroom with internet access. A lesson register for each syllabus requirement is provided for each of the 4 focus areas. Lessons can be presented using the Teachers Interactive Lesson Digital Presentation of relevant Workbook pages which is available from KJS Publications.
Design projects and folios: The Workbook includes structured scaffolds for both engineering reports and design folios. These can be completed progressively, either by hand or digitally, allowing students to track their progress throughout the course of the design project.
Formative and summative tasks: Formative tasks are provided for each syllabus heading to reinforce learning during lessons and assisting in determining student grades using the Common Grade Scale. These tasks provide progressive feedback and can be marked individually by the teacher or by students as the teacher explains the answers. Summative tasks are provided at the end of each focus area.
Suggested sequence of presentation outlined in this Workbook:
1. Teachers introduce the design project
2. Workshop/workplace safety lessons provided
3. Completion of the relevant safety test provided
4. Completion of the relevant material experience provided
5. Completion of the introduction to graphics provided
6. Lessons on an introduction to design provided
7. Students design/modify the design project
8. Lessons on syllabus content during design project provided
9. Completion of selected formative tasks provided
10. Completion of the summative provided
11. Completion of folio/engineering report provided
Advantages of using the Workbook and the Teacher's Lesson Presentation Interactive PDF:
• Ensures a coordinated and consistent approach for all Stage 4 Technology teachers, especially for those without specialised training in the subject.
• Significantly reduces lesson preparation time and task-setting efforts for teachers.
• Offers a well-structured and effective method for presenting both practical and theoretical content.
• Cost-effective, especially when purchased in bulk, allowing each student to have their own copy for only $10 per year.
• Provides an engaging and enjoyable learning experience for both teachers and students.